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Heritage Middle School

Students » 7th Grade Course Selections

7th Grade Course Selections


Students will learn about different artists, media and techniques and how to apply them to their own works of art through drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking, and fibers.  Many student projects are displayed at various art expositions throughout the community and may be entered in competitions.  Top art students may enroll in Honors Art with instructor's approval.  

Heritage Middle School Band

Students in advanced bands participate in a variety of activities including pep rallies, a high school football game, various concerts including Fall, Christmas and Spring, Solo and Ensemble Contests, UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest, and Pre-UIL Contest. Advanced band classes are offered to students who have successfully completed Beginning Band and have been placed by audition, into an advanced band. 


Introduction to Media Literacy, which produces Tiger Vision News is a course for students interested in television broadcasting.  This class creates a daily newscast that airs through Heritage Middle School.  Students will have the opportunity to learn camera techniques, audio, graphics, editing, lighting, interviewing, reporting, script writing, anchoring, producing and directing.  Students will also explore commercials, video production and advertising. 

HMS Choir

This course provides the student with the opportunity to expand their music reading skills and singing range.  Students will be given an opportunity to participate in a Christmas program, a Spring program, compete in UIL Choir Contest, and Sol/Ensemble Contest.

Digital Design

This course offers students the opportunity to use various computer software programs.  Microsoft Front Page, School Center and Adobe Photoshop are used to design web pages.  Microsoft programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access will be learned and used to create brochures, programs, flyers, business cars, address labels, databases, spreadsheets, various documents and slide presentations.




Students will learn the basic strands of theatre through a variety of theatrical experiences.  Students communicate in a dramatic form, make artistic choices, solve problems, build positive self concepts and relate inter-personally.


*Requires instructor approval and application.
This course is designed for highly motivated, independent and creative individuals who wins to create and design the school yearbook. Students must meet strict deadlines and work before, during and after school.  Students should also have strong writing skills.  Students will learn about page layout, photography selection, caption and copy writing and more as they create each individual page of the yearbook using publication design software.  All work is computer generated.
Every 7th Grade student must be enrolled in either PE or a Competitive Sports Class (Golf, Tennis, or Athletics)